Monday, April 21, 2008


I want to clarify my boldest opinion.. that I am knot insane, however ironic it may seem. Yes I live inside my head, and consider my thoughts to be real (however unimaginable) and create my own realities within these walls, but I am of sound mind and body, contrary to your harsh diagnosis of my psyche. My laxed sensibility and demeanor more than likely stems from my broad sense of reality and all its complexities. Omnipotent contrasting realities govern my world, which places society as we all know it into a subconscious conundrum, whether your aware of it or not. This is a paradox I like to call "The Balance". Without evil there is no sense of good, without rich there is no poor, without hate there is no sense of love and so on and so forth. Why else do you think we keep recreating the same realities in this infinite sea of potentials that exist around us? A sociological script every human being on this earth has a part in. So vast that it is overlooked and exhausted beyond measure. It's not our actions we're addicted to, it is our emotions. Emotions are designed so that they chemically reinforce something into long term memory which is why we have them in the first place. The thing that most people don’t realize is that this addiction is not just psychological, but its also biochemical. Ponder this thought for a while: Heroin uses the same receptor mechanisms on the cells that our emotional chemicals use. It's easy then to see that if a person can be addicted to heroin, than we can also be addicted to "any" neuropeptide (a type of endorphin that influences neural activity or functioning.) thus any emotion. However the biggest challenge of this society is focusing on the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom without any interference of our addictions, which is something that many of us cant do. A few others and I however, have managed to hold grasp of this thought process. So therefore my body experiences reality in a different way, in a new chemistry. We only see what we truly "believe" to be possible. And just because I think about and see things that certain people cant seem to comprehend or manifest for themselves, they call me crazy. But for the ones out there who truly understand the things I speak please respond somehow. Please tell them I'm not crazy, IT all makes so much sense doesn’t it? If this message ever gets out, please support me and my theory, I hope you can all understand. I'm a true have knot, if you know what I mean, I've become everything i am, because of who people wouldn’t allow me to be, but i don’t let it change me, i don’t let it change who i am. People always ask me who I really am inside, and what my reality is. I am the observer. I am the creator. I am the dreamer. I am an element of it all, with more control than my conscious mind can even conceive nor imagine. The past and future reside in the same conscious levels of my mind. My brain knows no difference from what it sees, what it thinks, and what it remembers. which is why dreams seem so real and so on and so fourth. I am contempt. I am at ease. I am an angel of truth with divine humility. I learn and interact to gain knowledge, but more importantly observe and analyze to gain wisdom, leaving my personality in a state of virtues complacency. So what is my reality? Perception is my reality. In the future the modern day "crazy folk" like me will finally be able to justifiably surpass the so called geniuses of this time with an overwhelming display of enlightenment and power, that will make this era of common man look undeniably ignorant, uncovering the truth that they unintentionally, and most importantly subconsciously possessed a true fear of transcending themselves. So now let me ask you this question. "Are you like them or me?"

-Havek Osten

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love it.truly