We are going to start with something new today. This is what I like to call "That's My Shit!!" Why, you may ask?? Because what I'm about to share with you just so happens to be some shit that I love. Its kind of like when your favorite song comes on and the beat just has you so twisted that you can't help but say anything more but "MMmmm! That's my SHIT!!" So this is where I get an opportunity to tell YOU what's I think is hot for no reason other than the fact that I love it and its "my shit!"
Like most of my fellow peers and colleagues, I have spent the past few years in Washington, DC and have even gone so far as to begin referencing the Dirty District as my **GASP** “home”. With this cross-country gallivant from Los Angeles to DC I found that upon my arrival the harsh realization, that I would be forced to find replacements for all of my back home favorites, set in. I would need a new hair stylist, a new dry cleaner, a new nail salon, a new doctor, and most importantly, a new favorite place to enjoy a meal and simply relax. Embarking upon my third, almost fourth, year in the Dirty District I have, for the most part, found substitutes for all of my fave LA hot spots. One of those substitutes including restaurant/bookstore/bar/lounge, Busboys and Poets located at 2021 14th Street NW close to U Street.
Busboys and Poets is the perfect atmosphere to chill out, grab a bite, listen to some poetry, have a drink, and surprise yourself with some deep introspective thought or some mind tantalizing conversation. According to host, Lafayette Barnes, Busboys and Poets is, “A chill atmosphere that caters to leftist political thought. We are really open minded and very diverse. People like it here because they can be themselves.”
The restaurant has a few different sections that cater to different desires. It features a bookstore where a lot of books covering topics on race relations, politics, and sexuality are featured, a bar, a lounge area complete with mismatched, overstuffed comfy couches and ottomans, a traditional dining area best for large parties, and a performance room that is centered around a small stage and features weekly events such as poetry readings and other various performances. Busboys and Poets has a colorful theme that does not follow any one particular direction. The art on the walls changes periodically as local artists as well as some famed and recognized artist feature pieces that are for sale. The atmosphere serves as a genial fusion of art, style, history, and culture. Barnes said, “I love working here because I can be me. I don’t have to wear a uniform or act a certain way…Everyone is really open here.”
The delicious cuisine simply serves as a pleasant extra that adds to the already enjoyable experience. Food choices range from pizza and burgers, to meatloaf and potatoes. Busboys and Poets also offers a wide selection for those who are more health conscious or have special needs, such as vegetarians or vegans. I spoke to a frequent patron of Busboys as well as student at Howard University, Soledad Richards, and she recommended the hummus and the mussels as two of her favorite dishes. About the restaurant she said “I love the artsy feel of this place. I can throw on some sweats and bring my laptop here and enjoy a good salad while finishing a paper, or I can meet up with my friends here for a late night drink after work on a Friday night. I love the variety and the people here are cool to interact with.”
Not only does Busboys feature a number of performances that can be seen during the week and on weekends (calendar found at www.busboysandpoets.com), but they also have a great happy hour from 6pm-7pm on weekdays, offering drinks with names like “The Groove” and “The Black Magic Martini” for nearly half the normal price. And, trust, The Black Magic Martini is truly like a sip of magic in a glass!
All in all, Busboys and Poets is a totally convenient hot spot that caters to a wide range of people. It’s a great place to take a date, listen to some spoken word, or go by yourself in search of a great new read. Owner, Andy Shallal, did a great job with this spot and even has plans to expanding to another location right across the street. Busboys is a great place for the artist in you to thrive and collaborate with others who are focused on ideas surrounding the progressive nature of society. I can truly say Busboys and Poets is definitely "my SHIT!!" Get with it! www.busboysandpoets.com
- ChaCha R.
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